a collection of works discussing the analogue and digital photographic techniques
"Die Arbeit mit der Fotografie als künstlerisches Ausdrucksmittel führt mich zu Experimenten, die vorrangig die technischen Grenzen und die Entwicklungen in der Fotografie zu diskutieren suchen. Dies sind hybride Vorgänge aus analoger bzw. digitaler Bildentstehung und -verarbeitung, die in den künstlerischen Arbeiten zu neu konstruierten Verfahren verschmelzen."
"Working with photography leads me to experiments that primarily seek to discuss the technical limits and developments in photography. Processes of analog or digital techniques and image processing merge into new hybride processes."
A x-ray and an analogue film negative were digitally composed, and finally presented as slides.
Brüche, 2021
LED-lightbox with a set of slides | incl. original x-ray and original film negative | 306 x 306 x 100 mm
(unique piece)
A photo was digitally photographed and produced on photo paper, photographed again and so on over the years of 2020 to 2023. The steps of change are presented in flipbooks.
REPLICA (2023)
set of four flipbooks in a black box with yellow linen | ~273 x 175 x 75 mm | each 31 pages / 27 images | ed. 2 + 1AP
+49 176 47 52 60 09